U15s City Netball Tournament

It was the turn for our U15 Netball teams to play in their City Tournament against other Carlisle Schools (Austin Friars, Caldew, Trinity, RRMA, and Newman), on Thursday (14 March). The competition was a round-robin, which means all teams play each other. The wet conditions made each game challenging; the ball was slippery and the surface…

Bikeability Confidence

Groups of students are getting on their bikes this week for some Level 3 Bikeability training sessions, delivered by Cyclewise. The ‘Bikeability’ training scheme is an up-to-date version of the old Cycling Proficiency course and is designed to give children the necessary skills and confidence to ride their bikes safely on today’s roads. www.bikeability.org.uk “Years…

Linking Careers with Year 9 Options

In support of their forthcoming GSCE Options choices, Year 9 students had a careers information morning today to help them find out how subjects can link to possible career pathways. We had a range of employers in school to help illustrate the possibilities. A representative from David Allen spoke about routes linked to mathematics, and Gen2…

Celebrating World Book Day

Today is World Book Day so we celebrated the joy of reading by having a ‘get comfy and read’ themed day. Students and staff arrived in school dressed in comfy clothing ready with their books. Extra opportunities for quiet reading were provided and the whole school shared a gripping story “The Hitchhiker” by Anthony Horowitz,…

Grade Boosting Workshops

Year 13 Psychology and Business students attended grade boosting workshops at the Odeon Cinema in Newcastle’s MetroCentre on Monday. Schools from across the North East and Cumbria took part in the event which was a fast-paced collection of advice and activities to kick-start the students’ final phase of exam preparation for this summer. They gained…

Important Lessons in Personal Safety

Year 12 students are currently completing a unit on personal safety in their Personal Development lessons. Over the last couple of weeks Jen Mars from Cumbria Addictions Advice and Solutions (formerly CADAS) has been our guest speaker. Jen’s session was developed to help students better understand and recognise addictive behaviours both in themselves and others…

LAMDA Exam Success

At the end of January, we held our third LAMDA Examination session at William Howard School, with nineteen students from Years 7 and 8 taking examinations in Solo Acting at Level 1. The results are in, and we are proud to announce that they all did exceedingly well, achieving a super set of results! All…

Learning About the Craft and Science of Cheesemaking

Two Year 13 students visited a local cheese factory last week to learn how beneficial micro-organisms are used in the food industry as part of their Level 3 Food and Nutrition Course. They saw the cheese being made, tasted the various stages and saw the cheese maturing in the cold store. The owner Leonie was…

Headteacher’s Award Follows Trip

Year 13 student Orcun Sabah received this week’s Headteacher’s Award. During the recent Media and Business Trip to Paris, Orcun engaged in every opportunity that was given to him. He became the leader of all competitions and created a real camaraderie with the group, some of which he did not know well. Orcun’s manners were…